uvex complete catalogue 2023

376 Prescription safety spectacles Focus types Nahcomfort Standard, Nahcomfort Optima • perfect solution for working distances between 30 cm and approx. 2 m • the medium range of the lens surface is determined by the degression chosen and is designed for a distance of approx. 60 cm to 80 cm • three versions are available, depending on the required reading addition (optional based on the age of the wearer) • all that is needed to place an order are details of the closerange values and the required design (type A, B, C) • when ordering the Nahcomfort Optima option, the inner surface of the raw lenses is calculated and manufactured, taking into account the correction, the glass curve and the distance between the eyes Type A Type B Type C Degression** 0.75 dpt Degression** 1.25 dpt Degression** 1.75 dpt Addition < 1.5 dpt. Addition 1.5 to 2.25 dpt. Addition > 2.25 dpt. < 50 years 50 to 55 years > 55 years ** Degression: Correction reduced, based on the close-range value! Distanzcomfort Optima • perfect solution for working distances between 30 cm and around 1 m, 2 m or 4 m • by specifying the viewing distance that is required at the workstation, the correction areas will be calculated individually • all that is needed to place an order are details of the distance and close-range values (addition), the maximum viewing distance (one, two or four meters) as well as the centering parameters (pupillary distance and specific height) • recommended adjustment: zero line of sight, distance values and addition Single Vision Relax • this type of lens is targeted at people over the age of 30 • an invisibly integrated change to the correction value of +0.5 dpt. in the lower area of the lens eases the strain on the eye when looking at near distances (accommodation support) • the distance correction remains unchanged • all that is needed to place an order the details of distance values and centring parameters (pupillary distance and specific height) • we recommend Single Vision Relax lenses for professionals who use mobile devices (notebook, tablet, smartphone etc.) for their daily work Note: Ideal for use in VDU spectacles. About 60% of degression is active at the centring cross, so the recommended adjustment applies on the main line of sight. Single vision lenses Single vision • defective vision caused by long-sightedness or short-sightedness is corrected Single vision HD – the ultimate in customisation! • free-form single-vision lens • individual parameters such as cornea vertex distance, frame wrap angle and inclination are taken into account for production purposes. • calculation of dioptres to an accuracy of one hundredth Comfort lenses • ideal for use at workstations with monitors • comfort lenses relieve the eye when looking at objects close up and at intermediate distances thanks to their seamless correction areas • comfort lenses are a good alternative if the prescription safety eyewear is only needed at workstations and distance vision (> 5 m distance) is not necessary.