SA Highlights Catalogue 2023

24 Hearing Protection Tests and standards All uvex hearing protection products comply with the CE standard and have been tested in accordance with the applicable European standards in line with current EU legislation. Continuous quality assurance with ISO 9001/1994. Applicable DIN EN norms are: • EN 352: Part 1 Ear muffs • EN 352: Part 2 Ear plugs • EN 352: Part 3 Ears muffs attached to a safety helmet FREE OHS Act Compliant Hearing Conservation Training uvex safety is all about protecting people and has consulted with occupational hygienists, audiologists and local South African government to create a free online eLearning hearing conservation training module for all customers to protect their employees, achieve training compliance on record, and ultimatley prevent NIHL injuries in the organisation. The training content is local, covers all criterea stipulated by the OHS Act (85 of 1993), NIHL regulations and produces individual certificates per employee by Name, Surname, Company Name and Identity Number upon completion. The training takes approx. 25min to complete and should be retaken annually by all employees exposed to high noise levels as determined by your noise assessment. The training is completely free to all uvex safety hearing protection customers. All you need to do is register and a link will be emailed to you with access to the eLearning Module. The uvex eLearning hearing conservation training is available in English and Zulu. Register for OHS Compliant Hearing Conservation Training Video Learning