uvex catalogue 2024

Our customers ... produce medicines, build cars, drive excavators, hike up mountains, ride bobsleighs, build bridges, renovate bathrooms, work with chemicals, take part in downhill mountain biking, cook food, do sport with the family, clean windows, lay tiles, extinguish fires, install windows, design aeroplanes, go on ski trips, dig pits, do gardening, saw wood, renovate houses, install heating, develop vaccines, operate crane systems, save lives, lay cables and pipes, perform laboratory research, work with lasers, build and operate machines, weld metals, go mountain biking, deliver parcels, lay parquet flooring, assemble photovoltaic systems, go horse riding, cycle racing bikes, go tobogganing, build ships, go skiing, jump from the highest ski jumps, lay power cables, install sockets, maintain roads, produce steel, win Tour de France stages, compete in triathlons, build tunnels, hike in the snow, put up and paint new walls, win the World Cup, manufacture tools, build roof trusses, or in a nutshell: