Innovative safety eyewear — made in Germany uvex safety eyewear centre of expertise Innovative safety eyewear for the highest quality standards In Fürth, Bavaria, uvex develops and produces first-class and highly functional safety spectacles, goggles, prescription spectacles and laser protection eyewear. The uvex plant is certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 50001:2011, and relies on state-of-the-art technology and strategic partnerships to develop future-oriented technologies and products. uvex safety eyewear greatly exceeds all requirements of the applicable standards. Because good is not good enough for us. Perfection as standard from uvex All safety eyewear is comprehensively tested at the uvex test centre: As well as satisfying national and international safety standards, every item of safety eyewear also meets the exacting uvex standard in terms of functionality, ergonomics, durability and wearer comfort. Innovative coating technologies are one of uvex’s core competencies. The improved uvex supravision excellence universal coating exceeds the anti-fogging requirements of the EN 168 standard four times over. New uvex product and innovation highlights The product highlight: With its great design, lightness and fit, the uvex pheos nxt is the perfect addition to our pheos family. The innovation highlight: With uvex IR-ex, uvex is offering safety eyewear with IR protection filters for the first time. The special feature of the filter is that it meets the requirements of multiple standards. 10