The uvex brand is our responsibility We have been producing and selling high-quality products for the protection of people in sport, leisure and work for over 90 years. And if you want to protect people, you have to take responsibility. It is precisely from this mission that our obligation derives to act in a sustainable, social and socially-responsible manner. uvex safety footwear The safety footwear product group has embodied its motto, protecting planet, for over 10 years. Our uvex Cagi production facility in Italy is a certified environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 and has been exclusively making use of green electricity and green gas since 2019. A photovoltaic system on the roof provides environmentally friendly solar energy. Since 2011, we have implemented numerous projects to reduce the amount of PU waste generated. Since the end of 2022, we have been able to granulate PU surpluses and reuse them in our midsoles. We now use the uvex i-PUREnrj planet midsole with 15% granulate in over 30 models. The goal is to continuously increase the proportion of recycled and bio-based materials in the product portfolio. Materials and procurement › By 2024: at least one recycled component in 100% of our catalogue range › Goal by 2030: 10% of the weight of the item is made from sustainable materials › Collaboration with the Leather Working Group for certified leather › Main suppliers are ISO 14001-certified environmental management systems Production › Reuse of PU surplus generated by uvex production processes as granules in uvex i-PUREnrj planet midsoles and uvex x-tended grip planet outsoles › Continuous optimisation of the injection and cleaning processes › Continuous measures to reduce CO2 and waste Packaging › Shoe box made of 90% recycled paper › Tissue paper and instructions for use made from 100% recycled paper Product lifecycle › The use of high-quality and durable materials in combination with professional workmanship ensures the longevity of our products › uvex overperformance defines standards that exceed test requirements › Initial projects with external partners to recycle safety shoes 160 experience sustainability