uvex UK catalogue 2025

Product system planet series › Hearing Protection * Calculation method: IPCC 2021 GWP 100a (based on ISO 14067) SimaPro 9.5.00 ecoinvent database 3.9.1. Scope: cradle-to-customer. These CO2 values are valid at the time of calculation and may be subject to change. per pair uvex has developed the protecting planet icon, to help raise awareness of its commitment to achieving increased sustainability. Based on the brand claim, protecting people, our sustainable approach integrates three core interlinked pillars — ecology, economy and social responsibility, that are incorporated throughout the business to improve our sustainability performance. This explains the comprehensive audit, measurement and evaluation management process uvex undertakes along the entire value chain to ensure its products are as sustainable as possible. Ergonomically shaped stems › 100 %r ecycled polypropylene (PP) Oval-shaped foam earplugs › Production is subject to strict controls › Contain as few harmful substances as possible uvex xact-fit planet 52 protecting planet by using recycled material // by maximum reduction of pollutants Calculation date: 09/2023* 0.02 kg