uvex UK catalogue 2025

uvex ultrasonic planet 9302290 uvex megasonic planet 9320295 uvex i-guard planet 9143296 uvex i-guard+ planet 9143297 uvex sportstyle planet 9193395 uvex pheos nxt planet 9128295 uvex i-lite planet 9143295 uvex super OTG planet 9169295 Information: Values are rounded to two decimal places • Transport calculation: Transport of the product incl. sales surcharge of the product group • Calculation method: IPCC 2021 GWP 100a (based on ISO 14067) SimaPro 9.4.02 ecoinvent database 3.8, except uvex pure-fit safety spectacles: IPPC 2013. The specified CO2 values are valid at the time of calculation and may be subject to change. • Scope: cradle-to-customer • Unit: kg CO2 eq Emissions transparency of our products We take into account not only the emissions from our own production steps (Scope 1 and 2), but also the emissions from the production of the materials we use (Scope 3). The carbon footprint is the result of an emissions calculation of all greenhouse gases released by an activity. The effect that various greenhouse gases have on the climate is expressed in CO2 equivalents (kg CO2 eq) Calculation date: 01/2023* 0.13 kg Calculation date: 01/2023* 0.11 kg Calculation date: 02/2023* 0.12 kg Calculation date: 02/2023* 0.11 kg Calculation date: 01/2023* 0.18 kg Calculation date: 04/2023* 0.21 kg Calculation date: 02/2023* 0.12 kg Calculation date: 01/2023* 0.19 kg 9