uvex Equestrian 2025 EN

DS. No. S43.W.200.2037 · 25 / 26 · Subject to technical modifications · Printed in Germany UVEX SPORTS GmbH & Co. KG Wuerzburger Strasse 154 90766 Fuerth Postfach 25 09 · 90715 Fuerth Germany T +49911 9774-0 F +49911 9774-4350 E sports@uvex.de UVEX SPORTS Austria GmbH & Co. KG Neudaugasse 333 5741 Neukirchen Austria T +43 6542 53329 F +43 6542 53329-2412 E uvex-sports@uvex.at You have already been provided with the uvex Group’s International Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment (10/2021) and these apply to your order. They are also available for download at uvex-group.com/en/terms-and-conditions/sale. Di¡erent Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment apply if the customer and the uvex company undertaking the delivery are based in Germany. We would be happy to send these to you on request. You can also find them at uvex-group.com/en/terms-and-conditions/sale. The International Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment of the uvex group (10/2021) which you were already provided with apply. They also are available for download: uvex-group.com/en/purchase/. The Special Terms of the uvex group for Export Control, Embargoes and Sanctions (12/2024) apply. In addition, the International Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment of the uvex group (10/2021) which you were already provided with apply. They also are available for download: https://www.uvex-group.com/ en/sale/. facebook.com/uvexequestrian youtube.com/uvexsport instagram.com/uvexequestrian uvex-sports.com